Our Services

Our hand-picked services are geared for flexibility to meet your health and wellness needs. Either mix and match services or utilise a single service, the choice is yours.  

Each service follows a structured approach to ensure that your requirements and progress are captured thoroughly. 



Yoga + Movement Therapy

Renew your intention, every time you step on your mat.

Whether you’re seeking physical practice and fitness benefit, mental clarity, mindfulness or spiritual practice, all is valid.

Join our semi-private classes, designed to maintain the connection within a small group, suitable for all levels.


Sliding Scale Pricing Option available for 1:1 session.

Semi-private (max. of 6) $30/hr

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Rehab Training

We actively incorporate Rehab Trainer method in training our clients for their peak performance. It is beneficial for someone who is looking to iron out an injury, or simply wants to improve their movement quality (move better, train stronger). Developed by an Australian Sports Physiotherapist, Rehab Trainer method has been accredited in Australia, New Zealand and UK. 

R – Risk Assessment of injury or pain  

E - Evaluation of movement patho-mechanic 

H – Hands on loosening  

A – Activation drills & techniques 

B - Begin training!


Sliding Scale Pricing Option available, from $78/hr.

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Sports Kinesiology

Discover this holistic health treatment to enhance the body's innate healing ability by aligning the neuro-vascular and neuro-muscular connections.    

Sports Kinesiology can help alleviate physical symptoms related to: 

  • Postural alignment  

  • Chronic injuries 

  • Emotional wellbeing 

  • Nutritional imbalance 

What's involved?

Sports Kinesiology uses a gentle muscle testing as bio-feedback from the body to identify the root cause of physical imbalances. Our practitioners blend muscle testing with traditional Chinese medicine, functional anatomy & training, energetic and nutritional medicine.


Sliding Scale Pricing Option available, from $78/hr.

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Wellness Coaching

Wellness coaching can help clients - at all levels - figuring out what they want from their wellness goals, why they want it, the challenges; and creating an action plan together.  

Through this supportive relationship, Wellness Coaches empower their clients with the focus of facilitation, rather than prescription.” – Wellness Coaching Australia.

The session is conducted as a standalone session to allow clients the full privacy and focus on their Wellness Coaching experience.


Sliding Scale Pricing Option available, from $78/hr.